Overseas Exhibition for Tradeshows: Ship, Purchase or Rent?

U.S. companies are increasing their global market share by participating in international exhibitions. Marketing programs are expanding to include exhibiting overseas to take products and services to the market in a face-to-face selling environment. As you are planning where to exhibit, also consider how to exhibit. Here are some criteria to consider whether to ship an existing property or rent locally.


Post Trade Show Evaluation Strategy – A Two Part Series

Is the trade show or special event over when the last box is sealed, flooring packed and the truck is heading back to the shop? As the baseball legend, Yogi Berra said, “It ain’t over till it’s over." Part of determining the return on investment (ROI) is more than tracking the leads and new contacts made at the show. When returning to the office, make time for thoughtful evaluation of all aspects of the trade show or event when it is still fresh in your mind.

Tips to Choosing Your Trade Show Space – Part 1

In the United States, the saying “location, location, location” is commonly associated with real estate but is it equally important in buying your trade show exhibit space. In this two-part series, we will provide information that will help ease the stress of space selection by sharing information we’ve learned from our experience with global trade shows.